IIE Iron Meteorites


Description: The members of the IIE group are coarse to medium octahedrites, and most of them contain abundant, iron-rich silicate inclusions. These IIE silicates often do occur in the form of congealed droplets rather than in the form of the more undifferentiated silicate clasts found in IAB irons.


Formation history & Origin: Recent research suggests that the IIE irons did not form in the core of an asteroid, but instead, are products of partial melting and heating induced by impact events. Mineral and oxygen isotopic compositions of IIE irons suggest a close relationship exists with the ordinary chondrites of the H group. It is possible that both groups originated on the same parent body - the main belt asteroid 6 Hebe.


Members: This is another small group of iron meteorites, comprising just about 18 members. The IIE iron meteorites, Miles and Watson, are renowned for their gem-like silicates, making them some of the most attractive silicated iron meteorites known.

> Meteorite Classification Index